Friday, June 25, 2010


While I was in Seattle I was lucky enough to stumble upon a few photo's of my grandma and grandpa on my dad's side of the family, as well as, a senior photo of my Dad from 1972. My heart stopped at the sight of my grandparents when they were younger. My grandma had such an elegance and natural beauty to her that I feel is really captured in these few photographs and my grandpa was absolutely handsome. Though I don't think I say it enough, I've always really admired them deeply. Sadly my grandma passed away a few years ago and I'm always sadden by the fact that I didn't get to know her better, especially in my older years. I still have the blanket she made for me when I was born and even brought it with me when I moved to San Francisco; I'm always comforted by it. Anyway, I just want to dedicate this post to them and to my father as a late Father's Day tribute. I love you!

Grandparents (1953)

how amazing is my grandma's outfit! (1971)

My Dad and his date
Dad with a rattlesnake he killed

my dad is the one sitting down in the second row, on the far right, behind the first girl sitting in the front


goodbyestockholm said...

These are amazing!!! Your grandparents are so beautiful. Oh, I love those pictures so so much!!! Best post evetr! No wonder you are so stylish and adorable!!!!

Emily Rose said...

such a beautiful family! your grandparents look so so happy. i just love that second photo of them!

Dorothy Souhuwat said...

so old but nice post..

wanna exchange link and follow me??

Lisa said...

Wow I just love the second photo especially, your grandparents sound rad and she was absolutely stunning!

Arielle said...

goodbyestockholm- Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy this post as much as I do :)

emily-you're sweet! and I agree with you, the second one is my favorite too

dorothy-I'd love to exchange links, I really like your blog

Lisa-Thanks for the lovely comment! next time I'm at my parents house I'll dig up more old photo's!

Kim said...

Miss. Hat,
your grandma is truly beautiful. i adore old photographs, they paint such a powerful image of the era in the one second camera flash. Beautiful, lovely adorable post.

Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Kim said...

p.s. i wish every summer night was like that, i swear my liver hurts though hehehe :)

Avalonne Hall said...

Old photos are the best seriously. Your grandparents are so beautiful, sorry about your grandma :( Hey you free any time this week? We should meet! I have this great photo concept and I think you'd be a great model for the concept, since I adore your style! We can meet and I'll pitch you the idea :)

Sybil said...

wow.. i think it's so surreal to actually be seeing your parents and grandparents back in the days. they are really so cool and stylish!! :D thanks for sharing these photos! :D

Animated Confessions

Arielle said...

Kim-I completely agree with you about old photographs. They are so inspiring and romantic to me. You can tell they've really captured a moment. And I feel your pain on the liver situation. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and definitely had a little too much..I think I'll be paying for it for a little while now

Celeste-I would love to be a model for you!! Maybe we can discuss details this Tuesday? :)

Libys11-I think my favorite is being able to see my father when he was younger, he was such a stylish man! I'm just glad I've gotten such a positive response out of this posting and that people have enjoyed seeing these photographs. I'm going to have to find more!

MarieBayArea said...

your grandmother was so pretty. and your dad and granddad are total hotties in these photos. OMG! your dad dated a Brady.

Kaya said...

Wow, these are "original-vintages"! you're very lucky

KANI said...

hello! i just found your blog through a thought is the blossom, love these photos they are so amazing, especially how they are from so long ago!